This site has 2 modes, slightly different visually and in terms of interaction
© Go_osebump. All rights reserved
© Portfolio v 2.0 [2025]
Site Mode:
Empathic designer
not directly, of course, but I read it easily :), make your product clear and stand out. I will emphasize the main features and convey the right emotion with the help of convenient structure and appropriate design for the niche
Empathic designer (a lot of people tell me this,
projects in the selection of the best sites on Tilda (#madeontilda)
All projects
(many people tell me this, not directly, of course, but I read it easily :), make your product clear and stand out. I will emphasize the main features and convey the right emotion with the help of convenient structure and appropriate design for the niche
(many people tell me this, not directly, of course, but I read it easily :), make your product clear and stand out. I will emphasize the main features and convey the right emotion with the help of convenient structure and appropriate design for the niche
project is unique and with its own specifics. The actual price will be clear after studying the task specification. Write to Telegram, let's discuss the task and decide the cost
The prices in this block are approximate, because each
are approximate, because each project is unique and with its own specifics. The actual price will be clear after studying the task specification. Write to Telegram, let's discuss the task and decide the cost
The prices in this block
Лендинг / Промо на Tilda
70 000 ₽
Небольшая страничка (до 10 логических блоков) для вашего товара, услуги, мероприятия и т.д.
Многостраничный сайт на Tilda
90 000 ₽
Корпоративный сайт для вашей компании с удобной структурой и продуманной / понятной навигацией
Дизайн сайта в Figma
50 000 ₽
Спроектирую дизайн сайта в Figma, сделаю адаптивные версии и передам на верстку
Аудит / аналитика сайта
10 000 ₽
Найду проблемные места на вашем сайте, аргументирую недостатки и наглядно покажу, как их можно исправить
Консультация (для дизайнеров)*
3 000 ₽ / час
Отвечу на вопросы, помогу с проектами, расскажу, как лучше развиваться в профессии, поделюсь дизайн-плюшками :)
I love experimentation.
It is not always possible to realize my "desires" in commercial projects or on the web. That’s why I experiment and draw posters and book covers. Sometimes for specific tasks, sometimes just to release emotions. It’s a great distraction
to realize my "desires" in commercial projects or on the web. That’s why I experiment and draw posters and book covers. Sometimes for specific tasks, sometimes just to release emotions. It’s a great distraction
I love visual experimentation. It is not always possible
Like many things (movies, music, psychology, comics,
sports, literature, walking, philosophy) and dislike a couple things (large crowds of people and broccoli). I burn in my profession, but carefully, so as not to burn myself out
Like many things
(movies, music, psychology, comics, sports, literature, walking, philosophy) and dislike a couple things (large crowds of people and broccoli). I burn in my profession, but carefully, so as not to burn myself out
The design of the site in the end was like I imagined it, it was a 100% hit
Anastasia Nikulina
(CEO PyMagic)
Clear adherence to deadlines, excellent communication, ability to look at project through the eyes of the end customer
Viktor Shcheglov
(Founder FoleyArt)
The start was a success! Sold all the places with just one advertising post on Telegram
Timur Fatykhov
(Founder DeepSchool)
I was looking for a creative and brave web designer for a long time. Nikolay seemed to me just like that
Tatiana Abramova
(The Artist)
Nikolay always promptly connects to all questions, finding 1-2 hours of time for us
Renat Ravilievich
(Project Manager)
It was easy and pleasant to work together! It is easy to find a common language, it is easy to get into the essence of notes
Ruslan Voronov
(Founder Socrates)
Thank you for working on the site! Everything went clearly, you had a good understanding of what I needed. Glad we did it together
Maxim Dorelin
Thank you so much! It was a very relaxed, comfortable collaboration. And most importantly, the result is super)
Sasha Gaganova
(СЕО Чернозёма)
Hey! F**kin awesome!
You got it! Thanks, man!
(The Artist)
As a professional, feedback from the clients I work with
is very valuable to me. I always ask for a detailed description of the interaction (what did you like, what didn't you like?, what aspects could be improved, what is your total impression of the project), it helps me grow as a designer
Feedback about the project is very important
Feedback is very important.
I always ask for a detailed description of the interaction (what did you like, what didn’t you like?, what aspects could be improved, what is your total impression of the project), it helps me grow as a designer
Both about the task and without. If you have a question about a project or if you are a designer who needs advice, please write to Telegram. I will try to answer quickly and will be glad to discuss!
If you have a question about a project or if you are a designer who needs advice, please write to Telegram. I will try to answer quickly and will be glad to discuss!
Always happy to chat :)
If you have a question about a project or if you are a designer who needs advice, please write to Telegram. I will try to answer quickly and will be glad to discuss!
Always happy to chat :) Both about the task and without.
© Go_osebump. All rights reserved
© Portfolio v 2.0 [2025]
This site has 2 modes, slightly different visually and in terms of interaction
© Go_osebump. All rights reserved
© Portfolio v 2.0 [2025]
Site Mode:
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